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I am back! How about some story time?
Topic: I am back! How about some story time?
Posts: 1
Join Date: Jul '02
This board has particular nostalgic feelings for me because it was the first forum I ever posted on.
As you can see, I joined in '02. I don't remember anyone really but I probably would if I saw their names. I remember a fellow named Draken-Korin but that is because his name came from the same fantasy epic as mine.
How fast times have changed. Back then I was a 13 year old in 8th grade, who really like B&W (and still do!), also I thought a lot of things were funny that really are not. Strange, I thought I would never mature in that sense. Now I am 19-turning-20. I can't help but think of some of the 20 year olds from those days who are 26 now and well into their lives, probably starting families and whatnot. Anyhow, that's about all I have to share. I don't expect any of you to remember me, but please share a little info on yourself. Who are you, how and why did you start posting here, please share some memorable moments as well!


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