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PS4 Event Live
Topic by: Gazhel
Posted: Feb 21, 13 - 12:04 AM
Last Reply: Feb 28, 13 - 2:41 PM
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Author PS4 Event Live
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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
Hurry up, for its about to begin! ... ight-here/

Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
Urg. Total disappointment. Not only did they not show off the PS4, but they crapped on about the PS4 being the "creative console" and confirmed everyone's suspicions that the sole purpose for Blizzard's complete raping of the GUI of D3's beta was to whack it on the PS4.

Flagrant. Money. Grab.

(oh, and the silly controller).

Best part was watching the flaming comments after it ended.



Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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In Reply To #2

Your best guess as to the price? I'm not eager to pony up cash for another generation of consoles.

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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
In Reply To #3

Who knows. Too much I'd say. I'm not in a rush to switch to the next gen either right now. So many top PS3 and other games coming out this year anyway. I'm already geared up for The Last of Us and Remember Me for PS3. No time to dream of the PS4 atm.

I'll probably wait a year or so after its released if its over the $400 mark upon release, which it most likely will be.

Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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Low Level Operative
Posts: 63
Very disappointed that they didn't show... you know... the actual console. I'd even go as far as to say that's a serious PR-mistake (unless of course it turns out to be hideous ;)).

I like the touchpad on the controller. It opens up some additional gameplay opportunities, without being in the way. I don't like that they kept the same basic design for the controller. This design is ergonomically flawed IMHO. Simply switching the D-pad and thumbstick on the left side would've improved matters significantly.

The streaming service has great potential. I can see that becoming a goldmine for Sony.

As for the games: meh. Nothing really worth my time for now, but that'll change sooner or later, so I'm not too worried.

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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
In Reply To #5

I think I might be the only person who is actually glad they didn't move the joysticks. I like them where they are. On the other hand though, I never found any other controllers besides the Sega Genesis and old school Nintendo ones comfortable. Yes, that includes the 64. I still hate that controller and expect pretty much everyone to disagree with me.

I just wish they didn't change the actual joysticks. The PS3 ones look better and more comfortable.

I was disappointed with 2 major things today.
1. Totally wasted 2 hrs of my time.
2. Didn't say if the PS4 was backwards compatible but I assume it won't be. They'll have all the old games in Cloud-Land(tm) I'm sure.

Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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Unimaginative Pseudonym
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Gazhel wrote:
In Reply To #5

I think I might be the only person who is actually glad they didn't move the joysticks. I like them where they are. On the other hand though, I never found any other controllers besides the Sega Genesis and old school Nintendo ones comfortable. Yes, that includes the 64. I still hate that controller and expect pretty much everyone to disagree with me.

The N64 controller was ace when it came out.

It's a complete bag of shit now - it paved the way for controller design that has leapt so far ahead it's been blown so far out of the water that it now feels like an obsolete stopgap.

I loved the original Playstation controller right up until the Xbox controller came out (the 2nd version, not the one that was as big as a house).

The 360 controller is pretty much the best controller I've ever used (I have man-sized hands, though).

A touchscreen will only make a difference if they use it as anything other than a gimmick. Which they won't.

(like Kinect; awesome concept, crap in practice. Shit name as well.)

- Soylent Dave

Ludo Ergo Sum

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He Leg
Posts: 527
My last (and only) console was a Super Nintendo, so I won't pretend I have much to add to this conversation.

However I will point out that adding Diablo 3 to consoles has the potential to increase sales of the game by an order of magnitude, so I can't blame Blizzard for making that decision. It makes excellent business sense.

I am hardly going to single out Diablo 3's GUI among all the other problems it has had. Needless to say, Blizzard has shown that they can do things well if they want to. What they haven't shown is that want.

The Man, The Myth

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Covert Agent
Posts: 138
I bought the original NES and the Sega Genesis (for all of two games before I stopped playing games in general) and didn't buy another console until the Wii, and very shortly after the PS3. I really really like my PS3, it's gotten the most miles put on it. But I am not keen to buy another console. And for the moment I see no reason to do so. I have enough to play on my old one.

I'm actually kind of ticked about this PS4 business, even though it makes a lot of sense from Sony's perspective. I just don't want the newest and best games to be held in a $500 ransom. And I don't see a point in getting an X-box. I don't know anything about Microsoft's plans, but I'm assuming a new console from them can't be far behind.

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The Man With The Golden LOLDONG
Posts: 309
Soylent Dave wrote:
The 360 controller is pretty much the best controller I've ever used (I have man-sized hands, though).

I wrote a haiku about this bit here.

Dave is very right.
This controller is perfect.
Please do not change it.

About the PS4 thing. It was a huge yawn across the board. You don't get to see the thing itself at all. The Blizzard thing was easily telegraphed and such give us your money thing. It seemed odd to to have the big Bungie to do when the game isn't even exclusive. We know Bungie is working with you now. Big deal. Then they reference (several times) tat the game will have PS4 exclusive content. Who fucking cares? That kind of content tends to be a big bag of meh.

Overall grade: C-

Here it is summed up in three minutes and wildly more entertaining than the actual thing. Watch it. Now.

Well, obviously, before. After was all gendarmes and dick stitches.

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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
In Reply To #9

Unfortunately Fett, that's been pretty much the same deal with all new consoles, except from what I can gather, Playstations might have always been the most expensive upon launch. I'm sure Dave will correct me if I'm wrong :)

However, PS4 games aside, there are a ton of excellent games coming out this year so you're right in saying there's no need to just run out and buy a PS4.

@He Leg.

I have 6 consoles, thankfully all of which still currently work.

- Something very similar to the one on the right. (its at my parents place and I forget the name). Image
- Megadrive II
- Wii
- PS1
- PS2
- PS3

Out of these, the Megadrive II, PS1 and 2 have definitely seen the most mileage.

Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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Just Beat Coyote (off)
Posts: 229
In Reply To #10

Coyote, that pretty much sums up everything in one swoop. Would have saved 2 hours of my life if you could have linked that to me yesterday before the live event. Hilarious and freakishly accurate.

Will someday beat Strike Suit Zero...

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Covert Agent
Posts: 138
CoyoteExile wrote:

Beat me to it. So much better than sitting through the full stream.

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Why Did I Do That?
Posts: 206
I'm rather happy the system is using standard pc specs this go around as it'll do 2 major things. One make ports to PC more reliable/better quality than what they are now.

And 2, ironically it may actually push PC game developers into the multi-core design mindset(professional software developers have been doing this for years but the game industry has been slow to adapt, most are still programming for 32-bit environments). Most PC developers are still stuck in the single core/single thread/only use another thread because a hardware polling system requires it(input,networking, etc.).

If they do actually use multi-core design, they tend to go the module route(all graphics on this core, all physics on this core, all porn downloading on this core,etc.), instead of the much more efficient, easier to code, almost shader programming-like, specific task model. Not to say there aren't pc devs doing this, but they're few and far between.

I do like being part of the "PC Gaming Master Race" but most of them are ignorant of just how unoptimized, almost lazy pc games are programmed. I mean PS3 games are using GeForce 7 hardware with 256MB of video memory and 256MB of RAM and they're still making some really great looking games that run fairly smooth.

With an AMD8-Core Jaguar proc, 8GB of GDDR5 shared memory and a Radeon 7850-70(speculated video hardware based on the TFLOPS number given out), and not having to go through heavy resource OS and various abstraction layers(like DirectX and OpenGL), the hardware is actually a bigger leap than most people give credit for. If this is priced below $450 at launch I think they have a decent chance to really get a lead on competition. I'd imagine we'll see a final form factor at E3 along with Microsoft's next console. If it would actually let you install your own OS it would make a decent budget PC. Heck I can even see this thing getting a Steam Box Category based on the hardware specs.

I have a lot of great ideas, trouble is most of them suck. -George Carlin

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
The only thing I paid attention to in all of this was new Watch Dogs footage. I need that game, and I need it soon.

PS4 Event Live
Topic by: Gazhel
Posted: Feb 21, 13 - 12:04 AM
Last Reply: Feb 28, 13 - 2:41 PM
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