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I have been out of work for a month.
Topic by: TheeGoatPig
Posted: Mar 20, 14 - 6:28 PM
Last Reply: Feb 23, 15 - 3:14 AM
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Author I have been out of work for a month.
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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
Back in February my boss went to the hospital for surgery (I am assuming it had something to do with his fight with cancer, but he won't tell me exactly what his surgery was for). The office has been closed down, I am moving a lot of stuff into my house, and I have filed for unemployment (though they have yet to send me a check). It was supposed to be temporary until he gets better, but I'm not sure he will, an now after 18 years with the same company I am probably going to have to find a new job. I had been looking, but not finding anything that could be permanent. Just contract work. Now I will have to not be so picky.

And I am freaking the fuck out...

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He Leg
Posts: 527
That's not good news.

It sounds like it must be a pretty small company if the boss' absence can derail it so badly. Are there any other employees there who are now in a similar position to you?

The Man, The Myth

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
It was just the two of us.

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He Leg
Posts: 527
So when you say "the office has been closed down", does that mean he closed it on you? Does he owe you a few weeks pay?

I have to admit I've never been in a situation like that before. Longest I ever held a job was for 5 years, but I quit to move countries. At least it's happening now though, right, rather than a few years ago when the GFC was in full swing ...right?

I'm not sure what your skill set is, but I think if I was in your situation I'd be talking to my local friends to put their feelers out for any reasonable open positions they know of.

The Man, The Myth

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
In Reply To #4

He stopped paying rent, the utilities are being shut off, the phone line has already been disconnected. I am grabbing up the computer, printers, paper, and as much furniture as I can stuff into my house.

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
Still out of work. I sent out my resume today just to find out that I had the wrong phone number on it...

But the good thing is that I was informed this by a firm that had to email to tell me this, wanting me to call them back, so I might be on the road to getting a new job :D

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
I have a job interview tomorrow! Squee! :D

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He Leg
Posts: 527
Hey! Good luck!

The Man, The Myth

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
First interview went well. They had me do some AutoCAD drafting off of an existing sketch they had, then they had me hand sketch their offices (structure only), and then we chatted for a while.

I have another meeting on Monday :grin:

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
Had a terrible night of sleep last night before starting my new job today! Long day, can't wait to sleep through tonight. Can't wait for my first real weekend in months...

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He Leg
Posts: 527
Congrats on scoring the position!

It's about time you caught a break.

The Man, The Myth

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Low Level Operative
Posts: 63
Good to hear! Congrats!

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
Ok, a week back at work is long enough. Can I retire now? :wink:

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
At my old just I made $17 an hour. That equated to around $2,000 a month come check time.

When I was on unemployment they paid me $410 a week.

Now that I have a new job I only make $16 an hour, but after three weeks I have gotten my first check for the first two weeks, and even though I started on Tuesday, I still made over $1,000 due to overtime (I managed to work almost 90 hours). I can't wait to pay off my car :grin:

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Covert Agent
Posts: 268
I'm in Florida for work for three weeks. I have been here since last Monday, and will be here until next... I don't know exactly when I'm coming back...

I have been out of work for a month.
Topic by: TheeGoatPig
Posted: Mar 20, 14 - 6:28 PM
Last Reply: Feb 23, 15 - 3:14 AM
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